SLDW Keynote Panel: Designing a More Equitable City

Designing a More Equitable City: How inclusivity can set the course for an urban environment

Salt Lake City is a diverse ecosystem of different people and perspectives but has a long history of only promoting a white narrative. How can we change this? 

During this keynote panel, we will uncover how design can shift the current climate and showcase a dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion within our city.


Ashley Cleveland, MCMP - Promise Program Manage for the city of Millcreek, UT

Mercedes Jenkins - Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Strategist

Monika Robinson - Industrial Design Student at BYU

Salt Lake Design Week 2020 is presented by Underbelly

Special thanks to

General Assembly

*Once registered you will receive information on how to virtually join the panel on October 6

SLDW will be providing a transcript of the keynote for all registered attendees.

When & Where
Tue, Oct 6, 2020 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM MDT