Adobe Workshop: You Can Do Creative Work on Mobile Devices

If you have an iPad or iPhone, you’re holding a powerful creative tool, right in the palm of your hand. From sketching, to retouching, to creating brushes , you’ll soon discover that you can do much more than just watch videos on that device. In this workshop, you’ll see how Adobe mobile apps can easily be used in your everyday work.

The workshop will begin by capturing colors, images, shapes or video to be used in a creative project, then modifying those assets with sophisticated tools — right on an iPhone and iPad. Then it’ll follow the life story of a job as we incorporate captured content in Adobe Illustrator CC, Adobe Photoshop CC, and Adobe InDesign CC.

This workshop is aimed at designers who want to extend their creative toolbox for on-the-go inspiration.


When & Where
Thu, Oct 15, 2015 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM MDT
Studio Elevn
435 West 400 South
#Suite 304
Salt Lake City, UT 84101