Cocktails with Creatives – BTG Wine Bar
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Well guys, I’m speechless. Last night’s Cocktails with Creatives was an absolute success. After being silent as a chapter since design week, this was an excellent way to get back in the game with programming. And can I just say, last night was rockin’. We pretty much took over BTG Wine Bar with how great the turnout was. My count was just shy of 30, and more people came even after that. With the coasters strewn around the tables, as well as the name tags donning our identification (be it a twitter or instagram handle, or our real name), AIGA truly had a great presence in Salt Lake City. All with thanks to you guys. It was truly a pleasure seeing so many faces from so many different facets of design, and even those that are not involved with design at all. If you weren’t able to make it last night, don’t fret. There will be plenty more Cocktails with Creatives in the future. In fact, The next one is on December 12, at 6:30. Mark your calendars now, and we’ll let you know where the location is soon!

This week’s CwC made me even more excited for the events our chapter has in store for Salt Lake. Believe me, it’s going to be a lot of fun. Stay tuned!

By AIGA | saltlakecity
Published November 16, 2013